When you support DCFNE, you support survivors. Donations and in-kind support allow us to work towards our mission of lessening the impact of violence in the District of Columbia. Here are just a few ways you can help:


Make a donation to expand our capacity for outreach, education, and patient care. DCFNE is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization, and all donations are tax-deductible. Checks can be made out to DCFNE and mailed to 101 Q Street NE, Suite T02, Washington, DC, 20002.

Rock a DCFNE T-Shirt

Visit DCFNE’s GoodStock store to purchase one of our awesome t-shirt designs. Proceeds from our merch store go directly to our organization.

Host A Fundraiser

Create a fundraiser on Facebook to show your support for survivors. In lieu of birthday or holiday gifts, ask your friends and family to make a donation to DCFNE in your honor.

Support When You Shop

Shop with iGive or GoodShop to put your dollars to work. When you select DC Forensic Nurse Examiners (DCFNE) as your designated charity, a portion of your purchase will be donated to us - at no additional cost to you!

In-Kind Support

Email contact@dcfne.org to coordinate a donation of goods or services to DCFNE. Food, comfort items, or self-care activities can brighten our forensic nurses days after their long shifts. Design-work or print services can support our outreach and education efforts. Reach out and let us know what unique talents or skills you can offer!


Fill out DCFNE’s Volunteer Interest Form to arrange a volunteer opportunity tailored to your special skillset! Please note that due to the sensitive nature of our work, volunteers will not work directly with survivors.

Follow Us on Social Media

Connect with DCFNE’s pages on Facebook, Instagram, Twitter/X, Tiktok, Reddit, and Youtube. Whenever you like, comment, or share our posts, you boost our visibility, and help us connect with the folks who need our services! 

Subscribe to Our Mailing List

Join our email list by scrolling to the bottom of this page and completing the sign up form. This is the best way to stay up-to-date on opportunities to support DCFNE!