How Does Grant Funding Support DC Survivors? DCFNE Testifies

To deliver exceptional forensic nursing care to survivors of violence, DC Forensic Nurse Examiners (DCFNE) relies largely on funding from DC’s Office of Victim Services and Justice Grants (OVSJG).

Each year, DCFNE joins like-minded organizations in testifying before the DC Council’s Committee on the Judiciary and Public Safety, highlighting the importance of OVSJG’s support.

These hearings are crucial to ensuring that survivors in Washington, D.C. have access to the services and resources they need— including DCFNE’s free, confidential medical forensic exams.

To learn more about how grant funding from OVSJG supports DCFNE’s important work, read our recent testimony here: 01/29/2025 OVSJG Performance Hearing Testimony

View the complete hearing here: 01/29/2025 Performance Oversight Hearing: Committee on the Judiciary & Public Safety