DCFNE Featured in Washington City Paper: "With Groundbreaking Training Program, DC Forensic Nurse Examiners Provide Trauma-Centered Care"

An excerpt from the article, originally published on March 29, 2023, is featured below.

If an adult is sexually assaulted in the District, one group of specially trained nurses is called upon to perform a forensic exam should the survivor wish to receive one. And sexual assault occurs regularly in D.C.

Since 2013, that group, DC Forensic Nurse Examiners, has served approximately two patients per day, totaling more than 7,825 calls for services from survivors of sexual assault, intimate partner violence, and family violence. Forensic nurses work at the intersection of medicine and criminal justice. They treat patients experiencing health consequences associated with surviving violence while also addressing evidence collection needs. In addition to their medical work, forensic nurses often provide testimony for legal proceedings relative to the alleged crime.

The full article can be read HERE.